Thursday, July 19, 2012

So much joy&rambling

Hello again random strangers,
My very second post and I pretty much figured out that I only write when i'm happy and when I get to the point where I realize "Hey,you're actually not got this".I don't even know if anyone would follow or read my blog,but honestly I'm doing this to just get out there and open up not just to strangers but to myself as well.I am terrified by the fact of what anyone would say or think of me and that is completely awful but I'm working on it.I feel completely blessed and happy right now.Hoping this feeling would last till tomorrow morning.
Don't they say that a smile the very first moment you wake up is related in how your day is going to turn out? Well believe me I tried smiling and I felt like I was about to faint.It's just so tiring to wake up and smile and dance around with the morning radiance like how they do in the commercials nowadays.But ah life is still beautiful.I'm practically stuck to the thought that life is beautiful.It is and I believe every word of it.Sometimes you just have to stop for a second there and open up your eyes and just observe everything around you.Open up those delicate eyes and observe everything.Don't just look..observe.Make it like it's the very first time you've ever seen it.And make sure you thank god for giving you those 6 senses whether you have them all or have some of them.
My eyesight is just horrible and I most of the times feel like Harry Potter without his glasses.He's got a really bad eyesight in the movie am  I right?or am I just making this up lol?My point is be thankful for what god has decided to give you and spend every minute of your life making them useful in ways you could bring joy to yourself.I honestly feel like the world's most retarded person giving this well known advice and will probably slap myself after reading this but oh-kay whatever so much self esteem my darling I can tell.So all this rambling lead to my point which is I'm grateful for everything that I have.For this moment right now where i'm breathing in perfect health.For the unchangeable past.For the good thats on its way.Thank you thank you thank you.

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