Monday, July 9, 2012

More about me

Apparently only 1,200 characters are allowed in the "about me" area so I considered writing my very first post and telling you more about myself not in anyway bragging but actually writing which I normally don't do publicly on a post.This is my fear and am facing it and looking at it in the face hoping to overcome it and realize it's not that bad blogging after all as long as you don't give a damn on what they would say or think of you.Just do it Safaa.I really still don't get the purpose of limited characters but anyway! So as I said before my name is Safaa.I come from the middle east from a country called Oman which is  right next to Dubai.Just saying not so many are aware of this beautiful country where the temperature rises to god knows how many decrees, but hot enough that your summer is in no way spent outdoors in the afternoons.But ah I love my hometown!And yes I am rambling.I am a chocolate lover and a coffee drinker those things are what I'm grateful for in my life,they simply spreads so much happiness and joy from my tongue to the rest of my soul.To be frank,I eat a lot and if anyone ever asked me about my love life at the current moment i would answer with all confidence:FOOD.I don't think I'd ever give up on it or you know "Break up" with it.I have so much gratitude on how we have enough of it everyday.And of course I'm grateful for other beautiful things in my life and I always make sure I count my blessings and  haha I just went pressing all the letters in my keyboard making sure this has no limited characters so i don't feel like a retard after writing all of this,having to delete most of it.I have great passion for photography and music.And maybe one day WRITING.I really enjoy learning new words everyday from the dictionary and am really amazed on how many they are.Basically i take words like they're real life people and I get to know them.Another fear,meeting new people as am considered to be very shy and maybe a bit insecure.Oh,how can I forget!I usually spend my leisure times reading books.I really enjoy every second of it and I can barely stop myself if the story is really good.I'm the kind of person who would love to inspire someone someday but to get there you need to believe in yourself,you need to accept and trust yourself and of course be your own inspiration first.So i guess this was a good start if not then please know I'm a beginner on blogging and that I'd be wandering about random stuff to get where I want to reach.Simply taking the very first step.


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