Friday, July 20, 2012

More rambling

Happiness.Something we all crave for.And yes I'm writing this post cause it's a beautiful morning and I made some really good coffee.It's just really great how so far I've lived my 15 years of life without going through so much trouble,problems or issues.The only thing I would wish for back then was an even skin tone.Now I look back and I realize it's not that big of a deal anymore.And now,all I really want is to improve my personality in ways like gaining confidence,opening up to people and believing in myself.Which I know soon won't be a big of a deal either.It's something that really confuses me and the same time I find it quite hilarious looking back.
Summer is almost over.Not that soon but tomorrow's Ramadan which is a whole month of starving people during the day.And really I don't consider that month summer.I'm excited for it anyway cause its a very holy month where you do good and stuff.After that we've got around 2 weeks left and we're back to school. I kind of miss it though.The hard work,the heat and of course my friends.Hoping I would enjoy every moment of this summer.It has been amazing so far but one of my closest friend was gone for almost half the summer and just to have some more fun I'm going to be really dramatic on how she's left me all alone with the heat and give her the silence treatment.Haha can't wait. Have I mentioned I think owls are adorable?It's just so much behind their subtle eyes. Would really love to see one someday!Oh and a giraffe too!


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